Thursday, August 9, 2012

Time to catch up

Hello everyone.

I apologize for not posting in a while.  Let me first start by talking about my test number 2 that I posted a while back.  To be completely honest, it did not go as well as I intended. There were only a few people that commented or "liked" my status that I didn't expect.  I also had to explain to my parents why all of our relatives thought our dog was dead.  My bad.

Speaking of "like" on Facebook, I read an article today that talked about how the Facebook 'like' button is currently not protected under freedom of speech.  Interesting article, however, I would not waste my 3 minutes reading it if I was you.  Yes, that was random.

I told myself I was going to make this short, so I am going to add two bits of information for you before I sign off.

The first is an idea that I had this afternoon that I thought you might enjoy.  When I own a house, I'm going to put one urinal on the floor, and a second urinal on the ceiling.  The urinal on the floor will be used during the day and in the evening, and the one on the ceiling will solely be used in the morning.

If you don't get it, ask your parents to explain.

The second talking point is that I would like to inform you of a terrible social network experiment that I am going to try.  It's so terrible it's brilliant.  Back in June, Amare Stoudemire of the New York Knicks tweeted a 'gay slur' to a fan that called him out for sucking at his job.  (Article found here.)  The tweet made national news (ESPN) and sparked a brilliant idea.

Here it is: I have made a twitter handle (troll_grammar) that I plan to use to troll the dumbest celebrities I can think of.  Any grammar mistake I can find will be an instant corrective tweet.  I am going to try and throw a few jokes in there too to see if I can get a reaction.  Things like "you should look into Rosetta Stone for English" or "how bad was your second grade teacher's ADHD?"  Things like that.  My goal is to get one of them to rage (technical term) and tweet back at me with something stupid.  Any tweet a celebrity sends me is gold in my book.  But if I made national news because some idiot called me queer, then I will consider it a job well done.

Any reactions I get will be posted on this blog.  So please be sure to stay-tuned!

P.S.  I get it that I don't got the best grammar neither, but I sure is smarter than those folks.
