Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Happy Birthday Mr. Tichols!

If you're reading this blog post and have no idea what I'm talking about, please reference  It may explain why you wrote happy birthday on my wall only 320 days ago.  You, my friend, have a short term memory.

Wow.  I didn't know how this experiment would work, but I think I just made Einstein jealous.  Scratch that, I think he is dead.  As of this moment, I am to delete about 39 friends from my Facebook.  Ok, I may have added about 3 people that I wanted to get rid of anyways.  Question: should I feel guilty about the gifts that I received in the mail?  I just hope I'm not brought up on perjury charges...

Anyhow, I've learned some valuable lessons that I think you readers should know about.  If you ever feel down in the dumps, you can either watch an episode of Spongebob and realize your life isn't all that bad, or you can change your birthday on Facebook and watch your 'friends' explode all over your wall.  It was nice to hear from a lot of old friends, and some people that clearly have no idea who I am.

One of my favorite turn of events is that one of my friends read my blog post, and STILL wrote happy birthday on my wall.  I'm going to keep Bobby's name anonymous for now... but wow!  Did you set your facebook up to automatically generate a corny message on someone's wall when it's their birthday?  If he read it, and wrote happy birthday on my wall, then he clearly wants defriended.  Goodbye acquaintance.
The weirdest part of this whole thing is that my parents called to wish me a happy birthday.  Either they have forgotten the day on which I was born, or they no longer want anything to do with me.  Just going to pretend like that didn't happen.

Since I have a gentle and kind heart, I've decided that I will give all of my friends a second chance before you receive the axe.  Keep reading my blog, as there will be another test in the near future.  But you can only find out about it here, on the one and only
