Monday, July 9, 2012

Nails on a Chalkboard

People often use the phrase "like nails on a chalkboard" to describe something that they find very unpleasant.  Well, my nails on a chalkboard is watching computer illiterate people try to navigate a computer.  You know what I'm talking about.  The kind of people that double click a hyperlink and wonder why two web browsers have opened.  And somehow, it's always the computer's fault.

I am convinced that hell is full of computer illiterate people attempting to turn on a computer, and everyone is required to be a spectator.  Spectators can only watch, and are not allowed to provide any input.  It's like a front row seat to the special olympics.

Anyways, if you know someone who would fit in this category, and you don't want to spend the rest of your life explaining that there is no "ANY" key on the keyboard, then you should convince them to buy a Mac.  Because we all know that even idiots can use Macs.



  1. We call those errors: ID10T errors. And you can still tell them that, and they won't get it.

  2. yaaaawwn. and rude about the special olympics!

    sincarelie, a fushtratid computered illetrant ;)

    (friar's wifey)
