Monday, October 8, 2012

Horror Movie Spoiler

*Spoiler Alert*  This is a 100% guaranteed cheat sheet to how 90% of horror movies play out.  If you are going to see a horror movie and don't want to know how it ends, then stop reading here.  But, if you are in college and you have nothing better to do than read some amateur blog posts, read on.

People that die:
1.  If you're black, you're dead.  This is not a racist statement, just a factual fact.  If anyone is racist, it's the film producers.  I'm just telling you what happens in horror movies.  For all you haters out there that say, "but but but what about Deep Blue Sea?  LL Cool J lives in that movie."  First of all, LL Cool J is barely in the 50 shades of black scale.  Plus, he's freaking jacked.  Secondly, that's not even a horror movie.  No more questions.

2.  Whenever you see underage teens partaking in adult beverages, then they are definitely scary man fodder.  I'm partially convinced that this is a government tactic to convince high-school kids not to drink.  Because everyone knows that if you drink before you are 21 then you will definitely be impaled by a lawnmower.

3.  If you see a girl's fun bags, then... well.. you're lucky.  Fortunate for you this happens in about 90% of all horror movies.  Probably because that is about the only reason people watch them in the first place.  Anyways, this dumb blonde ends up dying sometime in the movie.

4.  Closely related to point #3, if you were not fortunate enough to see said ta-tas, but the chick is  involved in fornication, she will also die.

5.  People over the age of 70 always die.  Don't know what it is.  Maybe it's a subliminal way of movie producers disapproving of Medicare.  But hey, if you're 70 years old might as well go out with a bang anyways... by having your head gnawed off by Freddy Von Jason.

More importantly, people that live:

Note: this is always a tricky category, because some horror movies like to pretend to be different and change things up.  Like, "OMG, that guy was so nice, why did he end up dying!?"

1.  The girl that denies anyone in bullets 2-4 above will most likely live; unless it was one of those dumb horror movies where everyone dies.  Kind of like 'The Departed.'  That's not actually a horror movie, but I hope I ruined the ending for someone.

2.  Mr. "I wanna be the hero" that tries to save everyone usually lives.  No one likes that guy, but if that's all you can do to survive, be that guy.  If I was in a horror movie, he would be the first guy I would send into that cave.

You were probably expecting more bullets in this category, but that's pretty much the end.  If you want to see a movie where everyone lives then go watch Finding Nemo.  Only Nemo's mom dies.

- Nom

Saturday, October 6, 2012

Random Thoughts...

Hello readers,

It's time for my monthly post that I keep forgetting to do.  I pretend to be very busy, but let me fill you in with a few thoughts of mine from the past couple of weeks.

I want to first start by talking about a conversation that I had with a friend that turned into pure brilliance.  This is for you Mr. Cul-de-sac (which in French literally means "butt of the sack").  Not kidding, Wikipedia it if you don't speak French.  Now I know why we still use the French phrase instead of the translated English phrase.  I totally want to live on a butt sack now.

Anyways, if you haven't heard of the game "Second Life," it's basically a nerd's place of escaping reality and pretending they have friends.  Seriously, you can play a video game that is a second life.  I've totally never played it, ok.  But if I did, I know what my second life would consist of.  I would load the game, and find the nearest computer.  Then, inside of Second Life, I would load the game Second Life, and play on that computer.  In that game, I would find another computer, and then load Second Life.  It's basically a "nerdception."  Not sure what to do after that, but it sounds like pure brilliance.

The next thing I'd like to share with you is a break up letter that I recently wrote.  You didn't know this, but I partook (<--- that's a word) in a 1/2 marathon yesterday, and decided that this needed to be written.

Dear Half Marathon,

I don't really know how to say this, but I think it's in my best interest if I never see you again.  To be honest, I knew things between you and I weren't going to work out within the first 30 seconds.  It was definitely downhill from there... and then uphill, and then downhill, and then uphill.  You suck.  Your curves are absolutely disgusting.  There was nothing fun about you.

I don't know what you did for the 2.5 hours we were together, but my nipples are extremely sore.  That was uncalled for.  Not to mention I can't feel from my ass to my feet.  I appreciate that.  Good luck ever finding anyone that likes you.  I was so depressed I ate like a pig after we met.  That's how bad you were.

Anyways, tell your sister, Full Marathon, that I will never be seeing her.  Heard that she's twice your size usually makes people piss blood afterwards.

Never again,


Thursday, August 9, 2012

Time to catch up

Hello everyone.

I apologize for not posting in a while.  Let me first start by talking about my test number 2 that I posted a while back.  To be completely honest, it did not go as well as I intended. There were only a few people that commented or "liked" my status that I didn't expect.  I also had to explain to my parents why all of our relatives thought our dog was dead.  My bad.

Speaking of "like" on Facebook, I read an article today that talked about how the Facebook 'like' button is currently not protected under freedom of speech.  Interesting article, however, I would not waste my 3 minutes reading it if I was you.  Yes, that was random.

I told myself I was going to make this short, so I am going to add two bits of information for you before I sign off.

The first is an idea that I had this afternoon that I thought you might enjoy.  When I own a house, I'm going to put one urinal on the floor, and a second urinal on the ceiling.  The urinal on the floor will be used during the day and in the evening, and the one on the ceiling will solely be used in the morning.

If you don't get it, ask your parents to explain.

The second talking point is that I would like to inform you of a terrible social network experiment that I am going to try.  It's so terrible it's brilliant.  Back in June, Amare Stoudemire of the New York Knicks tweeted a 'gay slur' to a fan that called him out for sucking at his job.  (Article found here.)  The tweet made national news (ESPN) and sparked a brilliant idea.

Here it is: I have made a twitter handle (troll_grammar) that I plan to use to troll the dumbest celebrities I can think of.  Any grammar mistake I can find will be an instant corrective tweet.  I am going to try and throw a few jokes in there too to see if I can get a reaction.  Things like "you should look into Rosetta Stone for English" or "how bad was your second grade teacher's ADHD?"  Things like that.  My goal is to get one of them to rage (technical term) and tweet back at me with something stupid.  Any tweet a celebrity sends me is gold in my book.  But if I made national news because some idiot called me queer, then I will consider it a job well done.

Any reactions I get will be posted on this blog.  So please be sure to stay-tuned!

P.S.  I get it that I don't got the best grammar neither, but I sure is smarter than those folks.


Monday, July 23, 2012

Test Number 2

Hello loyal blog readers...

You know what never gets old?  Experimenting with social media.  And leaving an upper decker in the airport bathroom.

Bet you had fun looking that one up. 

Anyways, it's time to run another social media test to find out who is reading my blog.  The last experiment was very successful and I'm not quite sure if I can live up to the standards that I have set for myself.  Other than faking my own death, the only other thing I could think of requires lots of skillful and timely status updates.  Let's call this: "Operation Bad Day." 

Part 1:  I am going to start the day by posting Nickelback lyrics as my status.  They're depressing, and no one has ever done that.

Part 2:  I found this picture of a Chihuahua that closely resembles my family's dog.  I'm going to write a short eulogy and post it with this picture.

No, I do not feel guilty for posting a picture of a random dog.  The only picture I could find of ours looks like this:

Part 3:  Since every depressing status contains some Nickelback quotes, I will start with a few of those again.  I will then proceed to talk about how my computer has broken, and I have decided that for reliability purposes I will now be purchasing a Mac.  I know, it's a very degenerate thing to say, but I'm hoping that it catches some of those haters off guard.  If anyone comments about how great their Mac is, they will definitely be deleted, because my friends don't use Apple.  What a brilliant name for a company.  If only their products worked as well as their naming conventions.  Yes, I'm talking about you tiger, lion, and East African jungle leopard.

Now, the same rules apply as before.  If anyone comments, likes, re-tweets, or unfriends me, then I know they do not regularly read my blog.  If it is strike 2 for them (I keep a list of people that have failed me) then I will be forced to deny them access to my already lame Facebook page.  Don't worry, I will still text you when there are blog updates.


Thursday, July 19, 2012

Figured out how to get a free tv....

This idea came to me a while back, and I've decided that I will go ahead and share it with you since I am a nice person.

Warning: I've never tried this, and I don't recommend it because it is probably frowned upon (kind of like tax fraud).

Now here is the flawless theory that I've devised.  It takes a little bit of work, but you can get a lot of free stuff from it!

Let's say that you want to buy a $1000 television, and you are not quite sure if you have the money.  No problem, you don't "really" need it.  The first thing you need to do is not tell anyone that you are doing this.  Step number two is to open up 2 different credit cards from 2 different banks, preferably one in Illinois and one in Israel.  The next step is my favorite... go purchase your new child.

Here is the sketchy/probably illegal/tricky part.  When it comes time to pay your $1000 credit card bill, go to an ATM and use your Israeli credit card to take out a $1000 cash advance.  Put it in your bank, and mail in the check to the Illinois credit card company.  Next month, repeat the same steps except you need to switch back and forth between banks.... forever.  It seems like a lot of work, but totally worth it.

Now, if you think someone is on to you there is only one way that you can get out of this debacle.  Open a third credit card at a different bank in another random country.  I would choose one that doesn't even have banks.  Or if you are really low, steal your sister's credit card and use that to pay it off permanently.



Thursday, July 12, 2012

The Art of Trolling

If you saw the title of my blog and this image immediately came to your mind, then you MUST continue reading.  If you are a level 52 or higher internet troll, then you can go ahead and exit your browser because you have tested out of Trolling 101.

Let's start by defining the act of "trolling," from a legitimate source (Wikipedia): "someone who posts inflammatory, extraneous, or off-topic messages in an online community... with the primary intent of provoking readers."  Here is my definition of trolling: "purposely annoying the shit out of people to get a reaction."  I only have 1 major argument with Wikipedia's definition of trolling.  That is, you can totally troll people in real life.

The purpose of trolling is to say something outrageous, offensive, or just plain outrageously offensive to get someone to react.  If you get any reaction from them whatsoever, you have succeeded, and you can give your self a point.  Now, the difference between a n00b troll and a master troll is that a master troll will be able to carry on the trolling until the other person gives up.  Master trolls will always use lines like, "you mad?" or "you mad bro?"  Number 1 rule of trolling: never let down.  Once you have won the battle, always drop the line, "they see me trollin'... they hatin'..."

Now, let's not get this confused with being a "devil's advocate."  The purpose of a devil's advocate is to present an opposing opinion to enhance the discussion/conversation.  A troll throws stuff out there to piss people off.  There is a distinct line in the sand, so make sure you stay on the right side.

By now you're probably asking yourself about Nom's trolling capabilities. Here are a few examples from a master troll.

Well kids, I hoped you've learned a valuable lesson today.  Now get out there and troll the world!



Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Happy Birthday Mr. Tichols!

If you're reading this blog post and have no idea what I'm talking about, please reference  It may explain why you wrote happy birthday on my wall only 320 days ago.  You, my friend, have a short term memory.

Wow.  I didn't know how this experiment would work, but I think I just made Einstein jealous.  Scratch that, I think he is dead.  As of this moment, I am to delete about 39 friends from my Facebook.  Ok, I may have added about 3 people that I wanted to get rid of anyways.  Question: should I feel guilty about the gifts that I received in the mail?  I just hope I'm not brought up on perjury charges...

Anyhow, I've learned some valuable lessons that I think you readers should know about.  If you ever feel down in the dumps, you can either watch an episode of Spongebob and realize your life isn't all that bad, or you can change your birthday on Facebook and watch your 'friends' explode all over your wall.  It was nice to hear from a lot of old friends, and some people that clearly have no idea who I am.

One of my favorite turn of events is that one of my friends read my blog post, and STILL wrote happy birthday on my wall.  I'm going to keep Bobby's name anonymous for now... but wow!  Did you set your facebook up to automatically generate a corny message on someone's wall when it's their birthday?  If he read it, and wrote happy birthday on my wall, then he clearly wants defriended.  Goodbye acquaintance.
The weirdest part of this whole thing is that my parents called to wish me a happy birthday.  Either they have forgotten the day on which I was born, or they no longer want anything to do with me.  Just going to pretend like that didn't happen.

Since I have a gentle and kind heart, I've decided that I will give all of my friends a second chance before you receive the axe.  Keep reading my blog, as there will be another test in the near future.  But you can only find out about it here, on the one and only


Monday, July 9, 2012

Nails on a Chalkboard

People often use the phrase "like nails on a chalkboard" to describe something that they find very unpleasant.  Well, my nails on a chalkboard is watching computer illiterate people try to navigate a computer.  You know what I'm talking about.  The kind of people that double click a hyperlink and wonder why two web browsers have opened.  And somehow, it's always the computer's fault.

I am convinced that hell is full of computer illiterate people attempting to turn on a computer, and everyone is required to be a spectator.  Spectators can only watch, and are not allowed to provide any input.  It's like a front row seat to the special olympics.

Anyways, if you know someone who would fit in this category, and you don't want to spend the rest of your life explaining that there is no "ANY" key on the keyboard, then you should convince them to buy a Mac.  Because we all know that even idiots can use Macs.


Saturday, July 7, 2012

A True Test

Hello everyone.

I have thought of something that really grinds my gears, and I have a perfect scenario to test this bad boy.  My theory: people aren't reading my blog.  Now, here's how I'm going to test it.

I have legally changed my birthday to July 11th by switching it on Facebook.  Please note: this is not my actual birthday.  Now, whoever writes "Happy Birthday" on my wall on July 11th either doesn't read my blog, or is not a real friend because they don't know when my actual birthday is.  I will remove them from my friend's list.  This is one of those rare win lose situations.

So, if you read this on a regular basis, do not write Happy Birthday on my wall until it is my real birthday.  Or, if you want to de-friend me on Facebook but don't have the balls, write happy birthday on my wall and see what happens.


The Blogs Are Back In Town

Hello all of my loyal readers.  I apologize for my lack of blog posts in the last 23 years, specifically the last couple of months.  Due to popular demand (a.k.a 1 person asking what happened to my blog) I have decided to reincarnate

Let me start by elaborating on one of my tweets from the other day...

@nomnomtichols: "There should be 6, 28 hour days in a week.  That way I don't feel as guilty when I sleep 13 hours a night.  Plus, there would be no Mondays."

Let's talk about this a bit.  I think this is the most brilliant idea I've ever had, next to running my golf clubs through the washing machine.  Imagine, the work week would be Tuesday - Friday, and when you get home from your 9-5 you still have time to paint your Star Wars figurines.  Now, you're probably asking yourself what the pros and cons are of this extraordinary idea.  Don't worry, I've broken them down for you.

- Bars would be open later
- You have more time to drink when you are at a bar
- You would live longer because there are less days in a year (don't think about it, I already did the math)
- You could go to church on Sunday, take a long nap, and still not miss football
- Most importantly, we could eat 6 full meals a day instead of the normal 5

- Probably none
- Everyone would be happier (this is actually a pro, just needed to expand the con list a little bit)

Now, if only we could get that stingy sun to cooperate...


Monday, April 23, 2012

Scary Dreams

Hello everyone,

I apologize for not posting in a while.  I have been very busy as of late.  And by busy, I mean I played about 26 hours of video games this past weekend.

Anyways, I was hoping that one of you readers could help me interpret my most recent dream.  This is really crazy, but I promise you the person living in my mind thought this twisted thing up and forced me to dream it.  This is 100% true, no exaggeration.

With most dreams, you never really remember how it started.  You always remember the end, so let me get to the part that I do remember.

I was racing downhill at very fast speeds.  My opponent: Elton John.  It was a younger Elton John, back when he was lively and not as midgety.  He had his purple glasses on and the biggest smile on his face.

Anyways, it was hardly a fair race.  Sir John was riding on a sweet purple moped.  I, however, was fortunate enough to borrow his white roller skates that closely resemble hooker boots, with huge pink wheels.  I say it wasn't a fair race because we all know that I totally blew him out of the water.  You would be surprised how fast you can go in magical Elton John hooker roller skates.

He's where things get weird.  When the race was over, Johnny hopped into a large brown van with no windows that clearly had the word "pedo" written on the side of it.  He gave me the birdie, and drove away laughing.

If you are a dream interpreter, or know someone who is, please..... help me.


Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Bye Bye Best Buy

Good morrow,

While perusing through the daily news I came across an interesting article titled: "Best Buy closing 50 stores."  (  Most of you that think you know me would assume that I would be saddened in the decline of a retailer of consumer electronics.  However, I would like to inform you that I am more than delighted in the fall of this money making middle man establishment.  You're probably not asking yourself, "why would he say such a thing?"  But if you were, I will give you my take on why I think Best Buy is a first cousin of Satan.

The worst thing about Best Buy is that they are the poster boy of a "middle man."  Before I continue, I would like to give props to the Best Buy founders for thinking of such an idea.  Pure brilliance.  However, now that consumers are "educated," all Best Buy can provide is a bias opinion on what cheap iPod you should buy next.

This brings me to my second point.  As soon as you walk in the store you are attacked by pimple faced teenagers as if you had just erased their saved game in Final Fantasy 9.  And if you make the fatal mistake of telling them why you came to the store, you might as well have handed them your child's college fund.  Again, I will give props to the executives of Best Buy.  They have trained their nerd squad on how to convince you to buy the most expensive piece of electronics, and treat you as if you have made the "best buy."  Let me give you a scenario:

Uneducated 40 Year Old Woman:  I came to buy a TV for my husband because he is awesome.
Level 42 Necromancer Employee:  Oh that's special. Let me take you over to our TV section because you probably can't see the 65" TV's we have hanging on the wall.
Uneducated 40 Year Old Woman:  Thank you.  Does puberty come late for all the employees here?

*They walk over to the TV Section and the employee bounce passes the customer to the 'TV Specialist'*

Level 51 Paladin Employee:  Hello, welcome to my nerd kingdom.
Uneducated 40 Year Old Woman:  Hello, that is an interesting facial piercing you have there.  I was hoping to find a nice TV that I could get for my husband because he is awesome.
Level 51 Paladin Employee:  No problem.  Let me tell you about our overpriced flat screens that we can mount on your wall for you at a small installation cost of $400.
Uneducated 40 Year Old Woman:  You're telling me I only have to pay $3000 dollars for this 40" 360p TV, and you will "install" it for me for an additional $400?!  And this is the best price around?  I'll take two, and the $1000 insurance that doesn't really cover anything.

Boom.  Another sucker has just paid $7800 for two crappy TV's that her husband can now use as a legs on his workbench for his woodworking projects.  The point I'm getting at is that Best Buy overprices all of their electronics, they coerce you into buying more than you want/need, and then you leave the store with no education on what you just bought.

Word from the wise:  go to Best Buy.  Look at the TV's, play with the newest limited iPhone, or browse the latest video game.  Then, get in your car, go home, and buy it online.


P.S. This post is dedicated to Ratslim.

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Bittersweet Solitude

Well, my roommate is about to leave me which will put me into a brief sadness.  To protect his identity, let us pretend that his name is "Mike."  Mike and I have had the displeasure of knowing each other for a few years now.  When I first met him, he was a raging alcoholic with a drinking problem.  Today, as he is leaving me, he has transformed into a raging alcoholic with a drinking problem.  I will miss him not, dearly.

However, things will not be the same once he is gone.  For instance, I will no longer be able to walk around the apartment naked.  It will just be weird. I will now have to learn to apply my bleach kit by myself.  I feel as if my shade will never be the same.  The thing I will miss most is walking into the apartment after work to find that it no longer smells like someone defecated a rotten walrus uterus covered in Jack Daniels.  No longer will I have a friend to help me shake a bear, enjoy a warm bowl of eel soup, or talk about all the girls that aren't interested in him.

It has been a good couple of months that we have spent living together.  Lots of memories.  Some that I am seeing a therapist about.  I will miss you "Mike."  We probably won't cross paths ever again, because you know that if you get in my path I'll kick your a$$.  So long, sucker.


Friday, March 23, 2012

Tough Loss To Ourselves

Believe it or not, when your opponent goes on a 22-4 run to start the game, you end up being down by 18.  Hard to believe, but it has been proven by statisticians and the Musketeers.  Although we played a great game towards the end of the first half and for most of the second, we beat ourselves like it was the first time we discovered our male member.  Let's be real.  We beat Notre Lame and some high school to get ourselves into the Sweet 16.  We had a good run, and screwed up a lot of brackets while doing so.  Anyhow, let's look at some of the positive things to take away from this game.

1.  We have provided an awesome 'highlighter' real for the big bald guy (there's a pun in there)
2.  Frease has proved that he can actually play a sport
3.  We didn't have to embarrassed by the unibrow of death
4.  Most importantly, we made it 1 day farther in the tournament than UC

Overall, it was a good year, and I can't wait to see X get back on that court this fall.  Well, it's time for Xavier to zip up their khaki pants and make the long drive to Cincinnati.


Thursday, March 22, 2012

March Sadness (continued)

It has been brought to my attention that my blog titled "March Sadness" was very busch league, and does not display my full blogging potential.  So, in order to hate on the haters, I've decided to post more evidence on why my blog was worthy of being brought to the attention of the readers.  Let me start with a picture:

They say that a picture is worth a thousand words, but I say this one is worth about a thousand pounds.  Maybe I should give props to the Lehigh basketball players.  It seems as if they were able to get every cheerleader pregnant a few months before March Madness.  Instead of working out at the gym I think I'll join the Lehigh cheer leading team - I'll be benching 350 in no time. The insults can go on, but I think I have proven my point.

If you were wondering where I got this image, all I did was Google "Lehigh Cheerleaders" and the first hit was titled "Lehigh Has The Worst Cheerleaders Of All Time."  If you don't believe me, check it out.

Haters gonna hate, Lehigh cheerleaders gonna eat.


Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Read This If You're Fat Or Skinny...

Good evening,

Today I would like to talk to you about food discipline.  No, I'm not talking about spanking your cheeseburger.  (although it might help by squeezing some of the mayonnaise out)  I'm referring to the practice of eating better foods to help slow down your weight gain.  You're probably asking yourself, "how can this be done?"  Well, let me tell you about an ancient torture technique that has helped me, and will probably not help you but you can read about it anyways.

The origin of this torture practice is unknown.  However, smart people believe that it was used by the ancient Mesopotamians during the battle of 1812 BC.  It was said that when they captured Native Americans (they were also fat because they were American) they would torment the POWs because it makes this story sound better.  The details are gruesome, but here is a condensed version for your reading pleasure:

The first step in the process to go to this website '' and buy the 10 pound bag of peanut M&Ms.  Now, this next part is tricky.  Wait for the M&Ms to arrive in the mail.  OK, now that you have the peanut M&Ms you want to weigh the 10 pound bag to make sure you didn't get ripped off.  If you did, go buy some single servings of M&Ms and fill up your bag until it weighs ten pounds so that you can tell people you have a ten pound bag of M&Ms.  Now, everyday when you come home from work you will be hungry because you are fat.  Go to your colossal bag of M&Ms and eat one.  Please note: only eat one.  Then, spend the next 30-60 minutes of your time staring at the bag of M&Ms.  Not only will this help you with self discipline, but if it fails, you still have 10 lbs of peanut M&Ms that you can eat.


Monday, March 19, 2012

Man Makers

Well, I just started week 3 of my "man makers" workout.  It is basically a 15 count exercise that involves 15 lb weights and a pull-up bar.  This workout routine is finally turning me into a man, because we all know puberty sure as hell didn't. 

Anyways, I started taking whey protein after my workouts.  That stuff is like a real life cheat code for getting jacked.  I feel like my life previous to whey protein has been a waste. (as if I ever worked out) 

There is only 1 downside that I've noticed to taking the protein.  It gives you the most rank, foul flatulence that you could ever imagine.  Now, most of you are probably thinking this is a bad thing.  But I, like most things, look at this in a positive light.  For instance, I ran much faster during physical training today.  Not because I wanted to get a better workout, or because I was trying to get in shape. No.  I ran fast so I could crop dust as many poor souls as I could.  Those naïve joggers had no idea what they were about to swallow.  I can only imagine how overwhelming it must have been to be out of breath from running, and then taking in as much air as you can only to find that it has been tainted by this guy.  Nom - 1, Slow People - 0.  I have just single-handedly increased the running time of the entire flight, because we all know that they will be running in front of me next week. :-)

- Nom

Friday, March 16, 2012

March Sadness

See what I did in the title?  Now it's funny.

You probably thought I was going to talk about some huge upsets, like Duke losing to Le-high school, or Misery losing to the Folks of Nor.  No, my March Sadness is due to the obesity rates of the Lehigh cheerleaders.  Have you seen these girls?  I haven't seen this many fat chicks since the the Creighton game.  Speaking of which, did you see the fat cheerleaders for Creighton?  Anyways, I digest....

Remind me to tell you about my freshman year college roommate...

Thursday, March 15, 2012

And thus it begins...

Hello person of the internet...  This is my first attempt at writing a 'blog'. (aka: I'm desperate for attention)  I hope to provide my follower (singular) with some good stories, insights, and chuckles to help them pass time, or just plain waste it.  Think about it.  By reading this right now you have just wasted a few minutes of your life that you will never get back.  Nom - 1, You - 0.

Well, off to watch some college basketball players get there 40 minutes of fame.

Remind me all to tell you about my freshman year roommate sometime....
